Cross Patch Puzzles

cross patch puzzles

Creepy Halloween Crossword Puzzle. Halloween riddles and puns are used for this spooky crossword game for kids.

cross patch puzzles

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cross patch puzzles

How good are you at riddles and puns. Our Halloween

riddles and puns creepy crossword puzzle puts you to

the test. Every time you play this game, the crossword

puzzle will be different. How many times in a row can

you complete the puzzle without any hints or hitting


If you can think of another riddle

or pun to add to our crossword puzzle - drop us

an email.

If we use it in our puzzle, we ll give you credit for

it on our page.

If you really, really are stuck at solving the crossword

puzzle, find the riddle or pun that you re stuck on below.

Click on the riddles or puns to get a hint or answer:

1. What

type of dog do vampires like best.

2. How

does a ghost cry. ___ Hoo.

3. What

does a skeleton always say before eating. ____ Appétit.

4. What

kind of key should you always take to a haunted house.

5. Why

do vampires need mouthwash. Because they have ___ breath.

6. What

kind of street do zombies like. ___ ends.

7. What

do you get when you cross a vampire with a snowman.

8. What

was the witch s favorite subject in school.

9. What

did the dead Egyptian say when he got lost. I want

my ____.

10. Why

didn t the skeleton cross the road. Because he had

no ____.

11. What

do witches put in their hair. ____ Spray.

12. How

does a monster score a touchdown. He runs over a ____


13. What

kind of music do mummies listen to.

14. What

did the ghost say when it bumped it s head. _____ _____.

15. How

can you tell when Dracula has a cold. When he starts


16. Why

couldn t the mummy answer the phone. Because he was

all _______ up.

17. Why

didn t the ghost go to the party. Because he had ___

- ______ to go with.

18. Why

are vampires Democrats. They wanted _____ in 2000.

19. Why

did the headless horseman go into business for himself.

He wanted to get _______ in life.

20. How

did the ghost patch his sheet. With a _____ patch.

21. What

kind of rocks does Frankenstein have in his collection.

22. What

do you get when you drop a pumpkin.

23. What

does a vampire fear most. _____ Decay.

24. Who

did the Zombie invite to his party. Anybody he could

____ up.


do vampires get around on Halloween night. With ______


26. Why

are there fences around cemeteries. Because people

are _____ to get in.

27. What

did the mommy ghost say to the baby ghost. Don t ____

until you re spooken to.

28. What

do you call a monster chasing a train full of people.

29. Why

did the cyclops quit teaching. He had only one ____.

30. Why

do witches use brooms to fly on. Because ____ cleaners

are too heavy.

31. What

did the daddy ghost say to his family when they went

out for a drive. Fasten your _____ belts.

32. What

is a ghouls favorite drink. ____ juice.

33. What

did the Black cat call the mouse on roller skates.

_______ on wheels.

34. What

does a vampire never order at a restaurant. A ____


35. What s

it like to be kissed by a vampire. It s a pain in the


36. Why

did the witch stand in front of the podium. To give

a _______.

37. What

does a ghost have for desert. I-_______.

38. What

is a skeleton s favorite instrument. A _______.

39. What

kind of dog does a mad scientist have. A _____.

IGN is the Call of Duty: Ghosts PS4 resource with reviews, wikis, videos, trailers, screenshots, cheats, walkthroughs, previews, news and release dates.

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8length is 8

94length is 13 9 4

.A46 letters, 2nd is A

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CROSSPATCH Crossword Clue, Crossword Solver

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